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pang921 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

我愛試聽 因為 1.零壓力 2.第一次感覺到有權利選擇自己想念的書
上個學期 我第一次嚐到這樣滋味 驚人的初體驗

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On the left side is our main teacher, Ms. Lin.
On another side is our foreign teacher, Winnie and my partner.

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Again, I told myself that regret does not have any help for anything.
Furthermore, I read a fabulous book yesterday, that is - for one more day.

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Today I sent out my second assignment to New Zealand.
Beside, everyone received the first assignments.
Their papers had scores on them except mine. Why??

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Today was  my first day of writing program.
I discovered that I loved to write something about "1st day".
First summar vacation, First experience, etc.

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